AgStart’s AgriFood Innovation Network Wins Stage One of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 2023 Growth Accelerator Fund Competition
AgStart was awarded $50,000 in prize money to catalyze relationships and develop Growth Accelerator Partnerships for their AgriFood Innovation Network
AgStart was awarded $50,000 in prize money to catalyze relationships and develop Growth Accelerator Partnerships for their AgriFood Innovation Network
Published by Amanda Portier | [email protected]
May 18, 2023
May 18, 2023
Yesterday, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced AgStart as a Stage One winner for the 2023 Growth Accelerator Fund Competition. AgStart will receive a $50,000 cash prize to build the AgriFood Innovation Network: a network of strategic partnerships that will support the launch, growth, and scale of STEM/R&D-focused small businesses in agriculture, food, and health.
AgStart's AgriFood Innovation Network will build and extend partnerships at the local, regional, and national scale to accelerate innovation in agriculture, food, and health. AgStart’s Program Director, Amanda Portier, says “This work builds upon existing partnerships, such as our collaborative VINE regional network, and extends this model nationally. Our vision is to create the most-fertile and productive innovation ecosystem for entrepreneurs tackling the biggest issues in agriculture, food, and health.”
AgStart’s award-winning model will amplify the impact and success of Growth Accelerator Partnerships and will work to foster and facilitate a thriving national ecosystem that advances equitable investment in innovative high growth small businesses. This year’s competition has brought together organizations, entities, groups, and individuals beyond geographic boundaries to support innovators and innovation needed to confront the challenges of today.
Winners of Stage One were selected through a multi-tier review panel process with experts in entrepreneurship, business, innovation, and strategic planning both inside and out of the federal government. Applications and pitch videos were reviewed by expert judges submitted by the finalists.
AgStart will now compete for an additional $50,000 to $150,000 later this summer. From inequity and climate change, to supporting national defense and community-driven economic prosperity, the real opportunity is now to build up innovation ecosystems. “AgStart is eager to make an impact by strengthening local, regional, and national partnerships to provide critical small-business support nationwide,” says Portier.
Stage Two cash prizes will support the “Growth Accelerator Partnerships” to further develop strong innovation ecosystems to fast-track building and scaling of STEM/R&D-focused small businesses. Organizations who were not selected in Stage One, as well as diverse local, regional, and national entities from any sector or location are eligible to connect with Stage One winners to develop partnerships in a bid for Stage Two prizes.
For more information about the Growth Accelerator Fund Competition, please visit
AgStart's AgriFood Innovation Network will build and extend partnerships at the local, regional, and national scale to accelerate innovation in agriculture, food, and health. AgStart’s Program Director, Amanda Portier, says “This work builds upon existing partnerships, such as our collaborative VINE regional network, and extends this model nationally. Our vision is to create the most-fertile and productive innovation ecosystem for entrepreneurs tackling the biggest issues in agriculture, food, and health.”
AgStart’s award-winning model will amplify the impact and success of Growth Accelerator Partnerships and will work to foster and facilitate a thriving national ecosystem that advances equitable investment in innovative high growth small businesses. This year’s competition has brought together organizations, entities, groups, and individuals beyond geographic boundaries to support innovators and innovation needed to confront the challenges of today.
Winners of Stage One were selected through a multi-tier review panel process with experts in entrepreneurship, business, innovation, and strategic planning both inside and out of the federal government. Applications and pitch videos were reviewed by expert judges submitted by the finalists.
AgStart will now compete for an additional $50,000 to $150,000 later this summer. From inequity and climate change, to supporting national defense and community-driven economic prosperity, the real opportunity is now to build up innovation ecosystems. “AgStart is eager to make an impact by strengthening local, regional, and national partnerships to provide critical small-business support nationwide,” says Portier.
Stage Two cash prizes will support the “Growth Accelerator Partnerships” to further develop strong innovation ecosystems to fast-track building and scaling of STEM/R&D-focused small businesses. Organizations who were not selected in Stage One, as well as diverse local, regional, and national entities from any sector or location are eligible to connect with Stage One winners to develop partnerships in a bid for Stage Two prizes.
For more information about the Growth Accelerator Fund Competition, please visit